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Oct 16, 2018

October is Health Literacy Month!

JMU Libraries recognize the importance of health literacy for our campus community. Health literacy is "the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions" (Healthy People 2020).

Many of the information literacy skills students learn in library instruction, such as locating and evaluating information, are related to health literacy. Other ways in which the Libraries contribute to health literacy include:


   - Monthly visits from University Health Center nurses to answer your questions

   - Relaxation events including coloring books, therapy dogs, free cookies, & more


   - Collecting consumer health information books and other resources

   - Maintaining a Consumer Health guide that facilitates access to quality online health information and to more scholarly information found in library journals and books 

   - The De-Stress for Success guide identifies resources in the library, on campus, and online about stress reduction and the science behind different mindfulness activities, such as meditation and yoga

   - Finally, the Libraries host special exhibits and book displays with health-related themes

Please visit the Libraries Events and social media to stay in touch with the latest information.

Modified: Oct 17, 2018, 8:36 a.m.