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Sep 29, 2017
Words have Power. Read a Banned Book
This week is Banned Books Week, an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. The American Library Association is explicit that the freedom to read is essential to our democracy. JMU Libraries and Educational Technologies, as per our mission and as a part of a university committed to engaging with ideas and the world, acknowledge that words have power. We practice this value by upholding our First Amendment rights and resisting censorship. Our freedom to read allows us to access information, think critically, engage with new ideas, and go on to create knowledge of our own.
In 2016 there were over 300 challenges or complaints reported to the American Library Association about books in schools and libraries across the country. Often the reasons for complaints include content regarding sexuality, profanity, offensive language, politics, religious views, nudity, violence, etc. The majority of challenges come from parents. However, thanks to the work of librarians, teachers, students, other parents, and the community in general, the majority of challenges do not lead to the removal of materials.
To bring these issues to light and celebrate the power of words this Banned Books Week, we've asked people in the libraries to share a bit about their favorite banned or challenged books. We'll be sharing their stories all week on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat. Follow along and celebrate your favorite banned books by giving them a read or sharing your own picture with us!
More Information on Banned Books and the freedom to read:?
American Library Association Banned & Challenged Books
Top Ten Challenged Books 2016
The Freedom to Read Statement (ALA)

Modified: Sep 29, 2017, 9:52 a.m.