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Feb 17, 2016

Not Just Comic Books: The Immersive World of Graphic Novels

Biff! Boom! BAM!

These are the sounds you are used to seeing in comic books, but onomatopoeia is not the whole story! Comic books have been around for less than two hundred years, and in that time they have managed to fit every type of story known between their pages and then some. The storytelling ranges from the more widely-known popular super-hero tales to westerns, ghost stories, biographies, and allegories for some of the more difficult aspects of life.

Check out our displays of graphic novels at Rose Library and Carrier Library, now through March 12. And find many more graphic novels in the library’s collection by searching for the phrase, _comic books and graphic novels.

Let a graphic novel take you on a trip today!

Modified: Nov 01, 2016, 2:50 p.m.